Monday, August 31, 2009

You ladies rocked!

Warm-up: Tabata bicycle ride with half way resistance. Peddle as fast as you can for 30 seconds, 30 seconds rest

5 Push Presses
10 Reverse Dips
15 Burpees

3 Rounds for Time (Anna did 4)

Kathleen: 8:45
Anna: 9:19
Jennifer: 9:04
Yvonne: 9:21

"They always say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself." - Anonymous

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Monday is here baby!

Welcome back to Crossfit athletes! I am very excited to continue working on getting you to where you want to be. Some of you have come a long way over the summer and I expect the hard work to continue on throughout this fall semester.

For those of you who are trying this out for the first time, get to know your new classmates. It wont be long before you're pushing them and vice versa. The kind of bond that Crossfit builds between people is unexplainable. But in the end it is awesome! If you have any questions or concerns about anything please ask. I can't wait to see more personal testimonials.

Crossfit = Stronger body, Stronger mind, Stronger health and longevity.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

August 27, 2009

1 lap around wellness center
15 Push-ups
15 squats
PVC pipe drills
  • Overhead squats (15 reps) holding each rep
  • Sumo-Deadlift High Pulls (15 reps) holding each rep
Work on a weakness of yours. For me it was Hand Stand Push-ups.
3 sets of holding a hand stand for as long as I could

Monday, August 24, 2009


I am so proud of each and every one of you for choosing to get healthier and sticking with it. Think back of when you ladies first started at the beginning of the summer. Nobody really knew what was to become of this journey. It's funny when you think of the mental aspect of Crossfit and what it has taught us. I remember the 1st day of class you guys were only concerned about finishing the workout. That quickly turned into worrying about not being too sore the next day because everyone still had to go to work. You ladies would try to talk to the 6 a.m. class to try and get a hint as to what the workout would be. The thing that makes me most proud is that you never let anything intimidate you enough to quit. Before I knew it, you ladies were hungry for more every class and the elements that we worked on became basic movements that you ladies were perfecting. I am so proud of you all! Please keep the hunger to become healthier. You now know what it takes to do real fitness!

You don’t have to get it perfect - you just have to get it going. Babies don’t walk the first time they try, but eventually they do. -Mark Victor Hansen

Monday, August 3, 2009

Let's Compare

1st time 2nd time
Anna 5 rounds 8 rounds
Laura 4 rounds 5 rounds
Belinda Absent 5 rounds
Renee Absent 6 rounds
Maureen "Mo" Absent Rode the bike